The distinctive philosophy of our Shree Samartha Public school & Jr. College in Akola is to provide education to the students, alongside adequate exposure to Indian traditions and core values revered worldwide. The academic program of primary and pre-primary levels incorporates CBSE with thematic learning.
The educational program is largely based on the policies and procedures laid by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). At our Top school in Akola, we are offering a progressively developed program that focuses on both academic and co-curricular activities that are being integrated into the learning system of the school. This method adopted by the top CBSE school encourages students, who are achievers in co-curricular activities, to perform much better in classroom learning.

The academic program atShree Samartha Public School, which is one of the Best Public schools in Akola is designed to meet the needs of young students. Young students need a sound base of experiences that is essential for later learning, a strong sense of self-esteem & excitement and curiosity for learning. It is during this time that children develop higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creative thinking, societal thinking, reflecting thinking, etc. The curriculum at our CBSE school is planned and developed to create such experiences for your child.

Being among the top CBSE Public Schools in Akola and adhering to the principle of life-long learners, our faculty constantly hone their skills and focus on professional development via in-house and visiting trainers. Teachers at our Top CBSE School in Akola are extremely enthusiastic and have extensive subject knowledge with the ability to blend into the minds of young children.
The methodology applied to education at our CBSE School in Akola is a unique creation of inquiry-based teaching and the Socratic method. Teaching-learning strategies have been designed keeping in mind worldwide trends and the interests of the contemporary child. The theme of multiple intelligence has been seamlessly blended into the learning system to ensure outreach to every single child.

The Pre-primary curriculum is the finest among CBSE schools in Akola and sets the tone for learning by kindling the inherent curiosity in young children. At this stage, children are active and curious to explore, and love to play by engaging in activities that interest them. The CBSE school program builds on pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills, focussing on developing social and personal skills, critical and creative thinking skills. This being in an important developmental phase that lays the foundation for lifelong learning, the young children deserve all the care and attention as they are initiated into this new world of learning.
The use of innovative and engaging teaching methodologies, incorporating a blend of Montessori, Regio Emilia, and Play-Way techniques, help create a happy learning environment with fun-filled activities, involving all the five senses. These meaningfully engage children at our Top CBSE School in Akola in learning and help them blossom.
Highlights of Pre-Primary School Programme:
- Being one of the best CBSE School in Akola, we emphasis on giving children an atmosphere of freedom so that they can happily play, sing and move.
- Toys and interesting teaching aids, story-telling, role-play, teaching alphabets and numbers through group activities and rhymes are integral to the learning process.
- Play materials give children the opportunity to see, touch, feel, and explore.
- The curriculum emphasizes the holistic development of children in various areas – physical, creative, emotional, social, numeracy and general awareness.
- Theme based activities at our CBSE school in Akola provides opportunities for children to develop motor skills, creativity, imagination, team-work, social skills and so on.
- Learning by doing is encouraged through projects and activities involving art, craft, music, and dance. These activities help children acquire integrated knowledge, fine and gross motor skills, apart from making them enjoy learning.
- Fun-filled activities encourage children to explore, learn, acquire skills and satisfy their curiosity.
- The classrooms and activity rooms in our CBSE school are colorfully designed which excite students to be more inquisitive. They have ample opportunities to explore the environment around them and become more perceptive.
- Festivals and special celebrations help children understand and value cultural heritage and appreciate diversity.
- The program aims to make a pleasant transition to the Primary School, so that children are able to adapt to the new environment, and are progressively initiated into the world of formal learning.

The Primary School Program is reputable among CBSE schools in Akola which initiates children into sustaining their enthusiasm for building on what they learned at the Pre-primary level. At this stage, children’s exploratory spirit and the quest for knowledge is on the rise, and they are motivated by the love of learning that they have imbibed. Being one of the best primary CBSE schools in Akola, our emphasis is on the learning and understanding of concepts through an engaging and relevant curriculum. The various activities conducted enable children to explore their multiple talents.
Highlights of Primary School Programme:
- Children are encouraged to develop good study habits.
- The learning process in the early stages of the Primary School program at our CBSE school makes use of recreational resources and activity-driven approaches like project method, models, charts, visuals, multi-media, and so on, to strengthen children’s knowledge base and skillsets.
- Children are initiated into reading storybooks, newspapers, and magazines individually as well as in groups through a structured reading program.
- Emphasis is on experiential learning through experimentation, observation, analysis, drawing inferences and discovery to develop scientific temper.
- The primary mathematical concepts are developed, focusing on numeracy skills and reasoning ability.
- Special emphasis is given on acquiring language skills through active reading and listening programs, and the development of creative and artistic expression.
- Children are exposed to new realms of knowledge, new places, and learning experiences through educational excursions and field trips at our CBSE School of Akola.
- Children are introduced to new learning experiences and challenges through graded exercises, worksheets, group learning, and assignments.
- The Primary School curriculum is versatile among Turkayamjal schools which places special emphasis on teaching children computer skills.
- Children are provided opportunities to learn music, dance, drama, painting, and so on to develop multiple intelligences.
- The importance of service to the community is instilled in children by developing in them the value of empathy and the spirit of sharing.
- Regular sessions are conducted for imparting life skills and values to children.

The Middle School Program at our top CBSE School in Turkayamjal offers a broadened curriculum to match the growing abilities of children in assimilating information and grasping abstract ideas. Extending the frontiers of educational exposure and experience provided by the Primary School Program, the focus as one of the Best Public schools in Akola is to strengthen the knowledge, skills, and competencies of the child through comprehensive, innovative and creative learning activities. This phase also characterizes a transition from childhood to adolescence.
Highlights of Middle School Programme:
- There is an increasing emphasis on inter-disciplinary approach, enabling children to understand and appreciate the interconnectedness between various subjects.
- Children are oriented to the skills of organizing knowledge and information.
- Through creative learning exercises and assignments, projects and activities in Mathematics, Science, Languages, Social Sciences and other subjects, children get the opportunity to enhance their interest and develop their competencies and skills in these subjects.
- Children of this top Public school acquire and develop communication and listening skills through well-designed activities like debates, group discussions, elocution, extempore, declamations, theme-based talks, drama, skits, role-play, and so on.
- Children’s creativity and talent are nurtured by providing them opportunities to learn and practice dance, drama, music, art, craft, and so on.
- Public CBSE school curriculum recognizes the unique talents of each child and encourages them to develop themselves to their fullest potential.
- Apart from academic proficiency, the curriculum places emphasis on sensitizing children to be caring and compassionate, and develop a sense of responsibility towards society through participation in community service activities.
- Field trips and educational excursions are an integral part of the curriculum and extend learning beyond the classroom. These provide opportunities for cultural enrichment, personal and social development along with the application of acquired skills.
- Children learn and apply their knowledge of Information and Communication Technology, building on what they learned in the earlier grades at our CBSE school.
- The well-planned and structured teaching-learning strategies involving workshops, seminars, talks, presentations, video clippings, and laboratory demonstrations reinforce the understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts.
- The learning gaps are identified through various modes of assessment and are addressed accordingly.
- The Programme is well-aligned to the educational objectives laid down by the CBSE and provides a sound base for children to effectively pursue secondary education.

The Secondary School Program focuses on consolidating students’ knowledge and enabling them to delve deeper into each subject. As one of the best CBSE Schools in Akola, we aim to develop students into independent and successful learners, confident and creative individuals and informed and responsible citizens. Emphasis is on strengthening application-based learning through projects, experiments, assignments, discussions, presentations, and so on.
Highlights of Secondary School Programme:
- The program provides a well-mapped CBSE school curriculum that develops the thinking skills with effective learning materials and resources. It enhances children’s higher-order thinking skills and problem-solving ability.
- One of the great few CBSE schools in Akola that encourages students to explore and make extensive and meaningful use of library resources, for referencing, project works, discussions, presentations, and so on. This strengthens their awareness and ignites their curiosity to seek knowledge.
- Laboratory experiments are an integral part of the teaching-learning methodology that equip children with skills of observation, and logical and analytical thinking.
- Workshops, seminars, talks, presentations, and use of video clippings reinforce the understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts.
- Learning methods include research-based projects, presentations, digital-learning, problem-solving and fieldwork.
- Students get numerous opportunities for both collaborative and individual learning at our CBSE School which is ranked the best in Akola.
- Students receive individualized academic support to reinforce the concepts learned and bridge the learning gaps.
- Personality and leadership skills development programs help students become more responsive to the dynamics of their physical, emotional and social development.
- Students get ample opportunities for synergizing their learning experiences from formal and informal learning sources to help them construct knowledge.
- At the Secondary level, the subjects offered by the School are English as First Language; Hindi or Marathi or Sanskrit or Gujarati as Second Language; Mathematics; Science; and Social Science.

Classroom activities are important in terms of measuring performances of the students as well as to provide quality information to them. The responsibility as one of the best CBSE Schools in Akola is to provide quality information or the knowledge to the students depends primarily on the teachers as they are the mentors and guides of their future.
An important thought process in case of teaching efficiency is about the strategies of teaching being served for the students. Classroom activities are proven to be very effective in terms of learning for both the teacher and the student for better understanding. Knowledge in terms of the information can be delivered interestingly among the students with that help of different classroom activities. Our CBSE school teachers act as the key to effective teaching for the students as they are well equipped and trained with the latest modes of training and development which works in favor of the students.
Before implementing any such activities in the classroom the teachers of our best Public school in Akola understand the priorities of the students through multiple intelligence testing. They need to analyze the effectiveness of that activity on the students so as to minimize the rate of error and maximize the rate of effective or desired outcomes from the students.

Being a renowned Public school in Akola, we believe that the difference and diversity are central where all the students receive meaningful and equitable access to the learning curriculum. The focus would be on practicing differentiation by identifying a student’s learning style, scaffolding their learning and differentiating instructions in the curriculum in order to develop the student’s true potential. In this whole ongoing process, the students are constantly motivated to learn from multiple perspectives. Through collaborative learning-teaching approaches, our CBSE school in Turkayamjal brings in positive outcomes such as improved academic and social skills, increased self-esteem and more positive relationships with others in the community.

The methodology applied to education atShree Samartha, the best Public school in Akola, is a unique creation of inquiry-based teaching and the Socratic method. Teaching-learning strategies have been designed keeping in mind worldwide trends and the interests of the contemporary child. The theme of multiple intelligence has been seamlessly blended into the learning system to ensure outreach to every single child at our top CBSE School in Akola.

To kindle the interest of students and to prepare them for future competition, training is imparted for NTSE, SOF, Spell – Bee, Olympiad, and other exams. Annual evaluation via ASSET is conducted every academic year for students of our top CBSE School in Akola. It assists teachers in diagnosing areas of strengths and those needing improvement, so as to ensure a personalized skill enhancement for all at our CBSE School in Akola.