The students of our CBSE school in Telangana are exposed to state-of-art computers right from the very early years. They visit the computer room to familiarize themselves with the basic computer operations like keyboard handling, mouse handling in the initial years and then carries on to advance software like Visual Basic, Macromedia Flash, Advanced MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, C++, Netbeans, and Java.

The language lab at our CBSE CBSE school is used as an aid in modern language teaching. Children are trained in Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking skills. It is well equipped with the latest smart boards and modules. The listening, speaking and reading exercises here are so interesting that children at our top CBSE school in Akola eagerly wait for their lab period.
A mathematics lab is a place where anybody can experiment and explore patterns and ideas. It is a place where one can find a collection of games, puzzles, and other teaching and learning material. The main objective of the lab at our CBSE school of Akola is to increase the quantitative aptitude of children through fraction kits and solid shapes. These activities create interest among students and help to dissolve their fear of numbers.

Science is different from any other subject. In order to understand its concepts, one has to look beyond the books and conventional classroom teaching. Effective teaching and learning of science involve seeing, handling, and manipulating real objects and materials. To impart this knowledge, a high-quality science lab is offered by our CBSE CBSE school to its students. Here kids actually observe the process and understand the relationship between action and reaction.

School Assembly
The Morning Assembly adorned by the Special Presentations is an essential part of the school schedule at our CBSE school in Akola. Each section has its own special day to conduct the assembly with the help of their Class Teacher in the course of the academic year. It helps in exposing each student to both Indian and other world cultures through celebrations of days such as Diwali, Christmas, Mahavir Jayanti and so on. The Assembly is an opportunity for displaying the inexhaustible talent of students. It fosters the spirit of group activity, leadership and value building. It also acknowledges the efforts of the silent learners in the class who are equally participative in organizing the class assembly.

Smart Classrooms
Meet Technology, the presiding member of the Indus Valley classroom. Our CBSE CBSE school has been successful in bringing technology to our classrooms with the introduction of interactive Whiteboards or Smart Boards. These allow students to interact with the lesson content while allowing teachers to integrate a range of resources with their lessons.
The classroom of our Best CBSE CBSE school in Akola transforms into an interactive forum for sharing experiences among students, thus helping in widening their analytical faculties.
Classrooms are spacious, centrally air-conditioned and have adequate lighting arrangements as per the CBSE standards. The number of students in each class is restricted so that the teachers can give individual attention to each student. Aesthetically designed furniture has been provided in each classroom, keeping in mind the comfort of the child. As being one of the best primary schools in Akola, each classroom of the Junior School has been tailor-made to cater to the creative needs of the tiny tots.

Music & Dance Department
Children are trained in playing Casio, Guitar, and other musical instruments. Various music and dance competitions are held among the Turkayamjal schools and with other CBSE schools in Akola from time to time. Talent hunts are conducted to motivate the students and provide them with opportunities to qualify for the school band.
Art & Craft Department
Children learn innovative techniques and make clay models, photo frames, wall hangings, flower arrangements, and Rangoli. Children learn and enjoy wax crayon painting, thumb printing, pencil drawing, and landscaping. Students at our CBSE school in Akola are also given exposure to Fine Arts at the senior level.

Our CBSE CBSE school library is well equipped with books on different subjects and topics. It covers the journey from comics to encyclopedias. The children are subjected to different books and encouraged to read them.
School Clubs
To foster holistic development, there are a number of School Clubs, both academic and co-curricular at our top CBSE school in Akola. No matter which club you belong to, you can look forward to precious experiences that will help you to improve yourself and discover who you really are.
The wealth of activities offered at our top CBSE school in Turkayamjal capitalizes on the student’s interest and inclination. They play a pivotal role in honing a hobby and in moving the child into the learning mode. The student can choose from a spate of activities that are organized keeping in mind both aesthetic as well as contemporary viable pursuits.

Medical Room
We were one of the best CBSE schools in Akola house a well-equipped Medical Room accessible during school hours.
Regular medical checkups are conducted and detailed medical records of students are maintained once / twice a year (if needed) along with valuable suggestions by the doctors. Students are mentored on the various aspects of diseases (Health Education), first aid, lifestyle, diet management techniques and stress management (aided with Yoga & Meditation). The students are also oriented about the importance of developing immunity.
Our CBSE CBSE school has its own fleet of deluxe air-conditioned buses.
Each bus has a driver, a female attendee, for complete safety and security of the children.
Buses ply on selective routes at the stipulated time.
The school owns a fleet of buses in compliance with the RTA guidelines.
Recruitment of drivers and attenders is also scrutinized in compliance with the guidelines provided to schools.
Speedometers (to check the speed) and regular maintenance keep the vehicles in good condition.
Note: Current Academic Year Routes to be mentioned.

Sports Department
Sportspersons are not born but made.
Sports impart health and agility of mind in a practical manner on the Playground.
At Indus Valley International School, which is one of the top CBSE schools in Akola, Sports and Games are an integral part of Education.
Some of the Sporting Facilities include:
Indoor Senior and Junior Swimming pools | Basketball Courts | Skating Rink | Facilities for Football | Cricket.
A playground is a place of transformation and the nerve center of all activities. In addition to general physical development, it is here at the CBSE school of Akola that they learn to become performers, achievers, decision-makers, and leaders. The Sports achievers are perceived as daring and are driven by passion.
The Physical Education Program has been divided into the following segments:
● Sports Activities Outdoor
● Sports Activities Indoor
Extensive facilities exist for indoor sporting activities prominent being:
| Carroms | Yoga | Table Tennis | Chess.
The specialized coaches and instructors of our Best CBSE CBSE school in Akola ensure the provision of a relevant environment where the physical well being of the students is taken care of. Regular competitions and sports events are organized within and with various CBSE CBSE schools in Akola to develop the potential of the budding Indians in their field of interest.